Sunday, October 7, 2007

Today was different.

Today was different.
I came in early for work.
This is not because we had a deal the previous day, I just wanted to show him I can do it.
I had my schedule lined up for the whole day. I stuck my list, comprising of three pieces of paper on my office partition. It shone happily, telling em how this day would be good and I could accomplish everything to it and any assignment to be given involuntarily. I was high.
It began as soon as I looked up from my wide and cluttered desk…. There standing by our administration personnel’s cubicle is the first contractor/supplier I had to meet. I signaled to my mentor and he told me to go ahead. It was a good sign that he “trusts” me now. I began with the clarificatory meeting and discussed with the supplier all the items he has to keep in mind to be able to submit to us afterwards our requirement.
It went well and I signaled to my mentor again what I was done with it. Instead of the usual “overtaking”, he spoke tot he guy in with respect now, to me, he acknowledged and confirmed that the guy prepare what I needed for my evaluation. I was happy about what he did, n what he said. It made my morning.

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