Wednesday, August 29, 2007

construction site deaths.

Supposedly site day for us all. I got used to tagging along with the senior engineers to inspect all our active projects. We attend construction meetings and coordinate with everyone involved. Today, I look back at those times they used to take me with them. It does not help to think that I have been withdrawn from going out of the office because of safety reasons. Number of accidents have been reported. Construction worker, on the way out of the project got his head hit by a falling CHB. He died. Last time a guy got hit by a falling glass panel. It went straight mid on his head. He got into a coma and died. Previously, an elevator was being maintained by the elevator contractors, two persons were assigned to the task. One does internal, and the other controls from outside the elevator car. the car was miscontrolled and the guy inside lost his head. It was during operating hours, and passers-by witnessed this. It was both a shocking and exciting experience. I missed it.

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