Friday, August 31, 2007

i love my attitude problem.

I cannot fully compensate the words he would say about my character. That’s who I am and I cannot change over night. He may seem nice and approachable, but his occasional outbursts would tick me off most times. I try to be MORE understanding and learn to be very VERY patient. God has let me experience a lot of things in life, but in this case, he has been testing my patience. I believe the key to this is to be compassionate. We often times confuse emotional distresses with being compassionate and that holds clearly now a different meaning. Yes I am compassionate, when I am deeply moved by pity. Yes I am emotional when I am angry. Yes this is the best type of worse kind of person life can offer. He says other people hate my character. He says I have a problem with my attitude. He does not speak in behalf of the world. I love my attitude problem.

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