Saturday, March 28, 2009

anti-chickening out.

for records purposes, i'm keeping this so that i could delete files from my notebook.
Mon May 26, 2008, 10:47 AM

exactly one month before architecture board exam!!! i don't know if i should chicken out again, but then, it won't do me any good. i would just prolong this feeling of incompleteness. haha!! most Archi grads feel this way, until they get hold of their licenses. yes, that will be the day when i could say ......
"Yes, I've done it!! Starting today things will go differently, and life will definitely be better for me!!!" ^___^

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

it's just that there's too much studying. not that i take more breaks than the actual "reviewing" hehehhe.... just can't bear sitting in one corner for ten minutes reading about the Fire Code, or RA9266 or VSTRs or 1F.U. = 7.5 gal.min or Le Corbusier's 5 or VRV or hypostile, 2 way slabs, and moment of inflections or the standard measurements of mostly, everything!!! :boing: :boing: :boing:

every other day, review center for me,
other days, i drown myself in the 10+ piles of the different subjects to be reviewed. :library: other than that,
this log book, is taking much of my time. :work: i know i should not put too much detail into it, more like, generalizing na. hurry up Lainey, got to file these at PRC before the weekends!! (deadline is next week June 6!!) agrgh!!! hmp, let alone this stupid pre-board. :ohmygod:

i thought i was glad i took that PLEET last year, when Dean Fernandez required us all to take it or else he would not sign our log books. after 2 board examinations since June 2007, the BOA now hears the cry of the Arki children. and well, makes bali-wala the dean's role. mejo disrespectful though, and says that the kids taking the exam this time, may or may not have their dean's signature, 'coz the transcripts and the diplomas certify that the student did grad from that university. sus. what good does that balita do me? just shows that there is injustice after all. Ty was held up last January 2008 from taking the exam because of that n biglang ganito this time? :wow:

bad trip ah. :shakefist:

then again, if i look at it in a different perspective, it might have been a warning, an evaluation, i weighted that i might not have answered much in the test and i am not prepared at all. (so thank you Archt. R. Alli, and Dean JJ. hahha!!! ) but, maybe it also was a test of faith n confidence. Maybe if i did not chicken out. i could have gone through the exam and be not worring now. *grrrrrrrrr*

i should change my attitude now before i go back to chickening out again, i should be excited and geekily (nyayyy) and happily (ugh) prepare for the last week of June 2008!! :shamrock:

yep, i can't wait!!! =D (sarcastic. :sarcasticclap: hahha) :fingerscrossed:

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