Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Shipwrecked_6 Months

Noise lords my angelic heart

Like a grotesque piece of UP fine art

Composed of all mediums, colors and yelloe hues

More of a glow than just a shadow of your shoes.

My heart screams in incalculable distress

Like a shipwreck to me, i®is, your sky piratess

On a bot-infected wave of a matrix

Where congestion pleads “let me out if this cream fix!!”

My mind proclaim neither of our love is real

For it has to keep steady its pain, everything that it can bear

From these two people who are dear

To me, loving them would be my worst nightmare.

3 days past the most ecstatic of our college days

A week has gone since I last seen you, iv torn the memories into pieces

This sky above me, says nothing more or less

Of your love for me, you can’t even sacrifice your maiden in distress.

Thank you for letting him go

I am juvenile when drunk, and worse of all naive

To think that only happiness can save me

This heart he says he’s loved even for just 6 days times thirty.

I didn't know what i was thinking when i wrote this, but i know i was erm...depressed??! .... Pammie would tell me, "there's always another week to look forward to.., so cheer up!!" =T

I'm just not sure about her suggestion......... =(

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